Sagging is a manner of wearing trousers or jeans that sag so that the top of the trousers or jeans is significantly below the waist, sometimes revealing much of the…
Life , relationship, dating, religion, and general discussions
Sagging is a manner of wearing trousers or jeans that sag so that the top of the trousers or jeans is significantly below the waist, sometimes revealing much of the…
Another story goes that some prisoners would wear their pants low to let other inmates know they were sexually available. Both have been tentpoles of “scared straight” arguments against sagging…
According to Jim Stillman, “Some white masters would rape their African male slaves; subsequently, the victims were forced to wear their pants sagging so that their masters could identify them…
The phrase is typically used to accuse women of being sexually promiscuous.
If a group of people are (like) sheep, they all behave in the same way or all behave as they are told, and cannot or will not act independently
According to Urban Dictionary, ‘simp’ stands for ‘Suckas Idolising Mediocre Pussy‘. Essentially, it’s a term for a man who will do absolutely anything for a woman in the hopes of
Simpette The female version of a simp ; places a person they’re romantically attracted to on a pedestal the shouldn’t be on/ thinks higher of them than she should. “Rebecca…
op the cap” is slang phrase for “stop lying“. stop lying you stupid ass.